Down Invisible Walls!
The condensation from
the Republican establishment and media dismissal of Donald Trump, the Republican
presidential candidate front-runner, reminds me of the initial reception of the
candidacy of George W. Bush whose pedigree and wealth overshadowed his
inability to formulate grammatically-correct sentences. Without the benefit of
an elderly cadre of advisors (Papa Bush’s buddies for W), Trump has come out
with an immigration policy all other GOP candidates seem to endorse even if
they aren’t thrilled with his rhetoric. It’s anchored by a commitment to
completing the 2,000-mile long border fence (or wall) between Mexico and the
be clear, it was President George W. Bush who signed the Secure Fence Act of
2006 with wide popular support from Congress and the voting public of
border-states. When “57% Think US Should Continue Building a Fence along
Mexican Border” (Pulse Opinion Research, LLC 4/9/13), Trump’s own bravado simply expressed
popular sentiments. It’s a mixture of “strong on crime” mind-set associated
with the Republican Party and a recognition that a law-abiding nation must
disallow illegal immigration. A “great big wall” with a “big door” seems to fit
this bill. Yet, this seemingly consistent argument for continuing the
fence/wall construction is also met with the following public sentiment: 47%
agree that “Immigration Helps more than Hurts” while 43% say the opposite (NBC/WSJ Poll, 7/26-30/15). Is there an internal inconsistency
here? Or is it partially a veiled racist sentiment against a growing Hispanic
population (with political implications if it votes for Democrats)?
Looking historically at walls around the
world, the Great Wall of China is the first that comes to mind. Built between
700-206 BCE it spanned some 5,500 miles. Regardless of its partial success in
defending and isolating China in the past, it’s now a tourist attraction. By
contrast, the Korean Demilitarized Zone that has been in use since 1953 to
separate North from South Korea, spanning some 160 miles across the peninsula,
is still a functioning barrier. Miniscule by comparison to its Chinese
counterpart, this barrier is a symbol of extreme xenophobia that causes hardships
for an entire population. The Berlin Wall that was operational between 1961 and
1989 was a symbol of the Cold War with some 70 miles within the city and its
environs. Given the famous challenge of President Ronald Reagan to the Soviet
President Gorbachev, “Tear Down This Wall!” (6/12/87), why are presidential
candidates still obsessed with wall building?
Perhaps one answer is the so-called
success of the “separation barrier” on the 1949 “Green Line” border between
Israel and its occupied territories of Palestine. Construction of this cement
wall began under PM Barak in 2000, and its planned length is about 440 miles.
Commonly cited is the fact that between 2000 and 2003 there were 76 suicide
bombings in Israel’s pre-1967 borders; between 2003 and 2006 there were “only”
12 such suicide bombings. Hence, this wall has helped limit the danger from
Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians. A neoconservative narrative then
extrapolates from the Israeli success-story to the ongoing illegal immigration
through the Mexican border.
Facts about illegal immigration,
deportation, and “dreamers” do not undermine the Republican narrative. The fact
that there are less illegal immigrants coming over to the US today as compared
to a decade ago is ignored (NYT
4/23/12). The fact
that under President Obama (six years in office) more illegal immigrants were
deported (over 2 million) than under President Bush (full two-terms in office)
is also underreported (New
Republic 4/17/14).
And the fact that it’s Congress, now under Republican control of the two chambers,
who ought to initiate immigration reform is also lost in the debate. Wasn’t it
the Great Recession (2007-2012) that was a greater deterrent to immigration
than any wall or fence?
Unlike the (visible) walls of separation, there are numerous invisible barriers of discrimination. It
is those we should point out to the Trumps of this election cycle and ask them
to tear them down. Among them is the glass ceiling that seems to be made of
concrete, where upward mobility is limited if not impossible. Likewise, women’s
pay inequality (77% as compared to men, Forbes
4/7/14) remains an
embarrassing reality. Educational barriers (44% differential between rich and poor
schools, The Hechinger Report 4/6/15) have become worse despite the rhetorical pronouncements of
all presidential candidates. And most disturbing is the increasing gap in the
opportunities for upward mobility of the poor (Nicholas Lemann, “Unhappy Days for
America,” NYRB 5/21/15).
As we saw in the latest housing bubble, the American Dream turns into an
American nightmare with three missed mortgage payments.
Outside of the alleged socialist candidate
for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders, politicians are loath to bring
up class warfare. But as the latest incidents of police brutality and murder of
black youth from Ferguson, MO to Staten Island, NY and Cleveland, Ohio (to
mention just a few such cases) show, racial tension is best understood in
socio-economic terms, in terms of poverty and abject neglect of poor
neighborhoods where blacks and Hispanics reside. Underemployed and falling
outside the welfare net, these are also citizens (yes, they are legal residents
whose voting rights are challenged (MSNBC 8/14/15), not illegal immigrants), who are part
of the 12.9% medically uninsured (Gallup, January 2015); when there are still around 40 million
Americans without health insurance, not to mention the fact that more than 45
million below the poverty line of $23,550 (Huffington
Post 9/16/14),
building a fence on the Mexican border looks absurd.
Instead of building walls of separation,
we should tear down the invisible discriminatory barriers that still plague our
country. Let’s turn our attention to the success of the Silicon Valley, where
waves of immigrants—some with proper special visas, some without—have brought
about creativity and ingenuity, hard-work and enormous prosperity. If
Republican (and Democratic) candidates look for solutions to economic problems
of growth, Silicon Valley is a model of tolerance, open-mindedness, and
acceptance of all languages, countries-of-origin, racial, gender, and religious
differences. Among the geeks of startup companies, only performance counts; all
other characteristics are irrelevant. Is immigration a question of needed
skills or race? Aren’t the special provisions for migrant agricultural workers
in California not skill based? Or is it simply a profit motive that overlooks
the immigration factor of the fantastically successful high-tech industry
compared to menial work? This reminds us that we are a country of immigrants,
after all, where one must climb the ladder of success and where the only
indigenous people have been slaughtered or confined to reservations.
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