Trump Phenomenon
No matter how bizarre Trump’s latest diatribes sound, there
is something quite familiar in both their manner and content. This mixture of
populism and xenophobia is American through and through with echoes found
around the world. The sound is ideologically and historically-grounded. Though
shocking to some sensitive ears, Trump speaks in a familiar voice.
The appeal of political leaders depends, most often, on a
combination of several factors: charisma, zeal, racism, xenophobia,
hopefulness, and fear-mongering. Different leaders have displayed a combination
of some if not all of these factors, from our founding fathers to President
Wilson, all the way to Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler; Chairman Mao and General
Peron come to mind as well. Though each offers his own variant with a combination
of talents and personal characteristics, what is common is a sense of manifest
destiny, delusional or real.
As a Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump
remains insanely entertaining. One wonders if he means what he says or is
simply playing to the crowd, relishing a continuous string of cheers. But even
this distinction—between the billionaire speaking his mind and the actor
pleasing an audience—has become secondary. Like all theater, the blurring of
the real and unreal, the suspense of disbelief, allows us as consumers of
mass-culture to enjoy the ride and remain engaged.
And what a ride it is! Out of nowhere comes a privileged
scion to a successful real-estate family to claim yet another piece of the
American pie (or dream). What private jets and yachts symbolized a few decades
ago, political power represents today. This, too, has a checkered American
history, from the Rockefellers and Kennedys of yesteryear to more recent
Silicon Valley trailblazers (eBay’s Meg Whitman and HP’s Carly Fiorina come to
mind), it’s the latest coveted prize only money can buy. In this sense, there
is nothing new here: a deep-seated conviction that financial prowess can be easily
translated into political brinksmanship (even leadership).
But ordering people around as their boss doesn’t
necessarily endear you to them. They may follow your orders but not respect you
or your orders. And when the opportunity arises, they’ll jump ship as quickly
as possible. Political wisdom comes with years of cultivating relationships,
building trust, and ensuring that whatever compromise is reached, all parties
can return to their constituencies with a genuine sense of accomplishment.
Stirring the emotions is one thing, ensuring that these emotions are appropriately
directed towards a common goal is quite another.
The latest claim by Trump to stop all Muslims from reaching
our shores is also not as outrageous as it’s been portrayed. America has a
history of singling ethnic and religious minorities for unfair, discriminatory,
and cruel treatment: slaughtering and confining native Americans, importing and
trading African slaves, interning Japanese-American citizens, and refusing
entry to Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. From this perspective as well,
Trump simply continues an ugly, shameful, and despicable tradition we thought
we have left behind.
So what is novel about Trump’s utterances? Is it his poor
grammar? No, W was just as inarticulate. Is it his flamboyant style? Not
really, as there are numerous celebrities who can outdo him any day. Is it that
he readily violates all standards of political correctness? This won’t do
either, since the n-word rolls off all too many tongues and outright sexism is
still blatant in all walks of life. What is novel is not that he says what’s on
his or on his followers’ mind, but that he parodies the role and posture of a
Trump’s parody is powerful insofar as it defies the
standards of judgment (not to mention the standards of good taste). Politicians
are supposed to be polished, Trump is not (except for his suits). They are
supposed to be vague in their pronouncements, and he is not. They are supposed
to be subservient to those who bankroll them, and he reminds everyone that he’s
paying his own way. They are supposed to have a vision, and he does not. They
are supposed to lead with a mandate from the majority while placating the
minority, and he couldn’t care less about either group. But he still puts on a
show, pretending to be a politician while all along enhancing his own brand.
Trump’s political success so far is the success of public
venting, self-glorification, and branding. He excels in saying outrageous
things—about Syrian refugees or Muslims—just to get attention, like the kid at
a family gathering that screams or breaks dishes. We have many Trumps in our
Age of Distraction, we call them celebrities. Popular culture pays attention to
them in order not to have to think about or cover serious political and
economic issues facing us. It’s easier and definitely more entertaining than
having to compare alternative energy sources or the regulation of the banking
industry, not to mention our infatuation with militarism and gun ownership.
These topics we leave to academics, knowing full well that there is no danger
that any reality show will ever follow them.
The Trump phenomenon is really not about Trump or his
views; it’s about what American culture can tolerate in an Age of Tolerance.
While the Supreme Court stretched the notion of free speech in 2010 to include
corporation, it’s not that outlandish to find someone like Trump being publicly
racist and religiously insulting. Where are the boundaries? Who sets them? And
on whose behalf? Just raising these questions should alert us to what is
unacceptable, and Trump is surely in that class of hate-speakers, the ones
whose words are not only hurtful but can cause real and immediate damage. In short,
Trump is a dangerous phenomenon America must stop.